Wednesday, 27 April 2011

group notes

Here are some notes we made when first brainstorming our ideas

Hero(hitman): takes a job from boss to kill his ex-girlfriend, he arrives at her location and finds her dead (or dying), he realises he has been set up and runs out. a voice over will be added on the action.

Feme fetal: unknown cause of death, signs of a struggle and a bit of blood. Not revealing her face until the end makes her identity an enigma. We will make it clear that she is a feme fetal with her costume and make up

Boss/hitman employer: we wont show his whole face, just the lower half of his head while he’s on the phone to give him a sense of mystery.

- feme fetal : red dress, fur coat (maybe), shoes, lipstick, blood
- hitman : gun, black coat/jacket, phone
- boss : phone

we changed alot of our first ideas, like the feme fetal's relationship with the hero and anonymous boss. We decided that the set up of the hero’s previous meetings and feelings for his ex-girlfriend (the feme fetal) would take a lot of time and over complicate the hero’s motives and felt a mysterious identity would be more in keeping with the conventional film noir narrative. We decided to reveal the boss as we needed to show more of the set up of the hit and more exterior shots.

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