Noir film idea: themes of paranoia, lust and jealousy
Hero: paranoid OCD student age 14 Ben
Others: -
-older sister age 16 Sara
- Twin sister
-teacher smith
Opening: small dark room, only source of light a computer screen. Ben sits at computer and wipes keyboard and mouse with disinfectant wipe. Inner monologue explains he believes a teacher is a paedophile and is responsible for his older sister’s suicide (v. quick flashbacks: Sarah’s face talking then Sarah’s face dead). He is trying to hack into smith’s browser history to see if he has visited any child porn sites
Key action:
- smith puts Sara into summer school because she failed her end of year exams (which he marked)
-Sarah has a fit at home Ben overhears, she claimed to work hard and take revision classes during lunch (smith teaches them) she tells her parents that she thinks smith is picking on her and she wants to move schools to get away from him
-she actually fails because she cheated
End: he finds out that she was actually murdered by his twin sister because she has a crush on smith, the film ends with a tense confrontation between ben and his twin as she shoots up the school, the scene involves twin saying she loves smith and sarah was prettier and was stealing him from her (basically going mental).
this is all interrupted as smith intervenes, he tries to talk twin down but his condescending tone and over confident speech enrages twin and she shoots him dead. As she turns to ben again to kill him (she plans to kill herself after him) the dad comes in from behind her and knocks her unconscious.
To conclude, a montage of the following events: Ben’s parents split up, twin is declared criminally insane and put in an asylum, Sara and smith’s funeral, all with an inner monologue from sara (about how she doesn’t feel like shes crazy, she just does crazy things) the father (who to blame?, himself, TV? the internet?) and finally Ben (extends from the previous soliloquy about insanity and perspective)
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